"Words can inspire, choose them well"  Robin Sharma

"Having a team approach to leading English ensures we have the best possible outcomes for all of our young people" MV Staff

"All adults talk about the importance of reading" MV Pupil

We have a team of people who lead on English at Morley Victoria from across all phases of our school. These representatives from Early Years, Key Stage 1, Lower and Upper Key Stage 2 have the knowledge and passion to aid the thought process and so that we can ensure effective teaching, learning and progression in English throughout our school.

We meet on a termly basis to monitor this subject across school and to review our action plans. This helps to ensure consistency in our outcomes. As a team we have written the following documents together to ensure that we all know exactly what is happening throughout school:

*  The English Policy for Early Reading, Whole Class Reading and Writing

*  3Is for English

*  SMSC in English

Long Term Plans for each year group can be found in the blue boxes below and to the left.

*Nursery long term planning can be found on the Nursery page in the EYFS section of the website.  English in Nursery links to all areas of Development Matters which is shown in their documentation.*