We pride ourselves on how we work in partnership with our families at Morley Victoria. The journey begins on the very first visit to our school and our relationship with families extends even beyond the time when the children leave for secondary school.
We believe children make the maximum amount of progress in all areas of school life if parents and carers are working together with us. Please see our Home-School Agreement which can be found in the Policies section of the website. Across our school relationships at all levels are a clear strength.
If you have any problems or queries about anything at all, please do not hesitate to contact us - the door is always open and someone will always make time for you. All issues can be resolved when we are aware of them. Our staff are friendly, approachable and very willing to help and support.
If you would like to post your comments or views on the Ofsted website, please use the link below which will take you to Parent View.