Kids - need help?

If you have any worries about how your feel, bullying or online safety please use the button below to TELL US.

What we are doing to make sure we keep you safe

Making sure that you are safe both at school and at home is our top priority.  We do lots of work in school to ensure that you know how to keep safe - we have written a fantastic PSHE curriculum which is taught every week; we also keep you safe by teaching you about first aid, road safety, water safety, how to be safe when out riding your bike, about drugs and online safety to name just a few things.

We also do lots of work about relationships, feelings and emotions because we recognise that life can change very quickly and growing up can be difficult. Our aim is that you will move on from our school and be well equipped with all the survival tactics you need! Remember though - once part of the Morley Victoria family, always part of the Morley Victoria family - you are welcome back any time and we will still help and support doesn't matter how old you are!

There's always someone here for you to talk to

There is always someone you can talk to in school - ANY adult will ALWAYS make time to listen to you and offer help and advice. They will never promise to keep a secret though because sometimes it is important that we are able to speak on your behalf - we will always be your advocate. We have specially trained people in school to help in all sorts of situations - Mr Shabbir and Miss Northfield - they can often be found in Mini Vic...just ask if you can go and say hello, the door is always open!

We would like to encourage all of you to have a ‘trusted adult’ (parent, grandparent, family member, friend or teacher) at home that you can go to for help, advice and support from too. Remember your 'Helping Hand' that you did in your PSHE lessons.

If you don't want to speak directly to someone in the first instance, why not use the 'Tell Us' button and write it down?

There's lots of help and support online from official sources...don't rely on social media - try these:


CAMHS - Leeds Crisis Call 0800 953 0505. A helpline for U18's. Every day from 8AM - 8PM

Childline 0800 1111


Young minds

Internet safety 

The Market Place 


Mind Mate Games

BBC Bitesize


There is a new service in Leeds called 'Chat Health' who are available Monday to Friday between 8.30am and 4.30pm, excluding bank holidays. They will talk to anyone over the age of 11 about a range of issues including: sexual health, emotional health and wellbeing such as exam anxiety or self-harming, family dynamics such as parental separation, bullying, healthy eating and general health. 

You can text the service on: 07520 619 750

Visit The Chat Health website You can see a video about them by clicking HERE!

At school we are always here to talk to, to seek advice from and as a way of getting help. Don’t keep problems locked away inside: speak out! There is always something that someone can do to help.